The first Goetheanum, a monumental double-domed wooden structure, richly carved and painted within, was begun in 1913. It opened in 1920 and was destroyed by fire on New Year's Eve 1922/23. In 1924 Rudolf Steiner presented his model for a second Goetheanum – the present one – made of reinforced concrete. Constructed between 1925 and 1928, it was the first large-scale building to employ this material for sculptural forms. Both buildings are based on an architectural concept in which each element, form and color bears an inner relation to the whole and the whole flows organically into its single elements in a process of metamorphosis. The second Goetheanum and its neighboring buildings were designed to harmonize with the local topography – the movement of the terrain and the rocky spurs of the Jura mountains visible from the Birs river valley, ten kilometers southeast of Basel.
High coloured windows and the central west window indicate the large Main Auditorium and emphasise the uniqueness of its artistic and architectural qualities. A glance inside reveal the expressive power of architecture, interior design, color and space.
Surrounding the Goetheanum are other structures in an extensive garden: Section buildings, ateliers, research laboratories and an observatory; training centers and a student dormitory; workshops and construction offices; apartment houses, guest houses and, at the foot of the hill, the Speisehaus, a whole food restaurant.
Located in the Jura landscape 10 km south of Basel, the Goetheanum with its expressive architecture, sits on the Dornach Hill. The Goetheanum has a picturesque garden park , café, bookstore and card shop, and is an inviting place to visit. Approximately 300 people work on the campus. Over 100 000 visitors come to the Goetheanum each year.
The Goetheanum is the center of a global network of spiritually dedicated people. As the home of the School of Spiritual Science and the General Anthroposophical Society, it serves as a place for exchanges over spiritual issues and trainings in artistic and scientific fields. The events held here range from lectures on special topics to large international conferences. On the stage, local and touring ensembles present Eurythmy, dramas and plays, puppetry, and musical performances. (Source: